How Should I Recover After Tooth Extraction?

  • 9th December, 2015

Tooth extractions are performed for a variety of patients for a variety of reasons, but most commonly to remove teeth which have become unrestorable through tooth decay, gum disease or dental trauma; especially when they are associated with toothache. When  an extraction is performed, we provide anesthesia to numb the treatment area and place stitches in the mouth where the tooth is removed. In many cases, the extraction is replaced with a bridge, a dental implant or dentures.

The most insistent questions that our patients have about extractions revolve around recovery. The following can help minimize discomfort, reduce the risk of infection, and speed recovery.

  • Apply an ice or cold pack to the outside of your mouth to help relieve pain and swelling. If you’ve been prescribed painkillers, make sure you take them, as directed.
  • Once 24 hours has gone by, you may rinse your mouth out with salt water to reduce swelling and relieve pain

  • Avoid smoking and physical activity after the procedure.

  • Replace gauze pads before they become soaked with blood.

  • Do not lie flat. This may prolong bleeding. Prop up your head with pillows, if possible.

  • Avoid rubbing the treatment area with your  tongue and using sucking motions when eating or drinking. 

  • Continue proper dental hygiene techniques as normal. 

After the tooth is removed, you may need stitches. Some stitches dissolve over time, and some have to be removed after a few days. Your dentist will tell you whether your stitches need to be removed.

Ask a questioncontact us, or make an appointment to ensure that your teeth are strong, healthy and beautiful. Our incredible team will be more than happy to assist you.